How to Adjust the Excerpt Length Shown On Subscription Only Content

There are several ways to control how much text your excerpt displays in each article before the subscribe nag is displayed. 

1. To set a global excerpt length: Go to Leaky Paywall > Subscriptions > Custom Excerpt Length. Enter the number of characters to show before displaying the subscribe nag. If nothing is done on the article level this default Leaky Paywall excerpt is displayed. 

If you have the Alternative Restriction Handling enabled, you will see "Lead in Elements". This allows you to enter the number of paragraphs you would like to show.

2. If you want to set a simple custom text only excerpt for an article simply set your text in the WordPress excerpt field.

3. If you want to precisely control how much text and images are displayed before the subscription nag use our Lead-In add on along with our shortcode.

  1. Set the lead in paragraph to an high number like 50 so that everything is showing along with the nag at the end.
  2. Use our shortcode:

    [leaky_paywall_subscriber]hide this specific content[/leaky_paywall_subscriber]

    to wrap the content you want to hide (you can target specific subscription levels if you need)

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